Saturday, August 15, 2009

The terrible two's...

Oh my, my sweet boy has turned into the terrific two year old that I hoped I would never have to see. But, despite the "NO'S!" and the messes, he has given us some good laughs. Yesterday, while I was at work, after Josh picked up the kids from my parents, he was driving home and Everett, upset from leaving Grandpa's, decided to throw a small fit. It was about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, so Josh decided to warn Everett that once they reached home he would be taking a nap (it seems to go better that way), due to him obviously being tired. Well, it would be safe to say Everett wanted no part in a nap, but Josh explained to him that when he behaves like that it must mean it's nap time. This is how it went from there...
Everett's response -"Daddy, I want to hit you."
Josh- "Everett, I am sorry you want to hit me, but you are taking a nap when we get home."
Everett- "No! I want to hit you."
Josh- "Everett, I am sorry I make you want to hit me, but if you take a nap we'll go swimming when you wake up, k?"
Everett- "K."
But when they got home Everett knew it was time for a nap and decided to throw yet another fit. He didn't want to get out of the truck so Josh grabbed Jordyn and took her in and put her in bed. Then he went back out to get Everett, but that didn't go so well. He did NOT want out of the truck, but its 100 degrees here during the afternoon, so Josh took him unwillingly inside. As he was walking down the hall holding Everett, Josh was yet trying to reason with him, when Everett again said "Daddy, I want to hit you!". Before Josh could respond, Everett balled up his fist and punched him square in the face. Now, if you know my son, you know this is not normal behavior. So as Josh was trying not to laugh from surprise, he explained to Everett that it is never okay to hit, especially mommy or daddy. Needless to say, Everett did not take a nap and he still got to go swimming. His daddy is such a softy.


Emily said...

Don't you just love their little attitudes? I hate to break it to ya, but everything gets worse once they hit 3. Terrible two's will seem like nothing!

Chels Allred said...

hahaha..that funny!! hopefully it doesnt become a habit.."hit daddy, go swimming!" lol..silly boy.

Kerri Jex said...

Haha, sounds like he's been hanging out with haven!

Brittany said...

Oh man! Don't we all think we can have the perfect child and avoid that stage? Just stick to your guns it will be worth it!!!! I have friends that haven't any are now suffering the terrible 3,4,5,6 & 7s.